
Passion Week Devotional Series

Palm Sunday, marks the beginning of Passion Week, the last week of Jesus’ earthly ministry. This week includes one of the darkest days in the history of mankind. This week also teaches us that there is hope beyond the grave for those who believe in Jesus Christ. Please join me for a week of prayer and enlightenment as we chronicle the last week in the life of Jesus.

The Passion Week Devotional Series is designed to offer insight into Jesus' last week on earth.  The first devotional will focus on the Triumphal entry of Jesus Christ, better known as Palm Sunday.  Each of the next six days includes a daily highlight of historical events that occurred each day of the week during Passion week. These daily highlights are designed to help us think about what we can do to make a difference for the Lord in our world today.

Passion Week - Palm Sunday
Passion Week - Day 2: Jesus Cleanses The Temple
Passion Week - Day 3: Jesus Teaches the Passover Crowd
Passion Week - Day 4: A Prayer for our Nation and the World
Passion Week - Day 5: Jesus' Passover Meal and the Institution of The Lord's Supper
Passion Week - Day 6: Jesus' Trials and Crucifixion